learning disability, new blog, parenting, personal

Goodbye Grade 1

Today is the last day of school for us, I don’t know if I should be happy or sad. She is such a happy little girl who is excited every day to go to school but it’s so hard for myself because I know the struggles that she’s up against that she is unable to… Continue reading Goodbye Grade 1

#newblog, child, family, help, journey, Life, Mama, new blog, parenting, personal, school

A New Journey

How does a year go by so quick? I cannot believe we have been living in Kitimat as a family for over twelve months. Some months were slow but others flew right by. I was warned, boy I was warned, that the weather can get to you out here. I didn’t believe it! Initially I… Continue reading A New Journey

blog, child, family, journey, Life, marriage, new blog, pets

Some Messy Behind the Gram..

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve actually sat down to put together a blog! If you don’t know what the term “hot minute” means, I heard it on a show recently and just looked it up on urban dictionary to check if I used if correctly and it means a while, so it makes… Continue reading Some Messy Behind the Gram..

#newblog, blog, child, family, help, inspiration, journey, Life, love, new blog, personal


As promised, I had an idea for a blog the last time I wrote. Entitlement. Maybe it’s just me, but in my eyes, society has changed so much where people were once respectful to one another and worked to earn respect, to somehow now feeling they are deserving of special treatment or privileges, for literally… Continue reading Entitlement

blog, family, fresh start, journey, Life, Loss, love, marriage, new blog


While we took possession of our new home the other day, we haven’t spent a night in it yet because my husband hasn’t been home from work. Tomorrow night he returns to me which makes tonight my last night here. I have spent ten years of my life walking through the same doors, going through… Continue reading Time