learning disability, new blog, parenting, personal

Goodbye Grade 1

Today is the last day of school for us, I don’t know if I should be happy or sad. She is such a happy little girl who is excited every day to go to school but it’s so hard for myself because I know the struggles that she’s up against that she is unable to… Continue reading Goodbye Grade 1

#newblog, child, family, help, journey, Life, Mama, new blog, parenting, personal, school

A New Journey

How does a year go by so quick? I cannot believe we have been living in Kitimat as a family for over twelve months. Some months were slow but others flew right by. I was warned, boy I was warned, that the weather can get to you out here. I didn’t believe it! Initially I… Continue reading A New Journey

blog, family, fresh start, journey, Life, Loss, love, marriage, new blog


While we took possession of our new home the other day, we haven’t spent a night in it yet because my husband hasn’t been home from work. Tomorrow night he returns to me which makes tonight my last night here. I have spent ten years of my life walking through the same doors, going through… Continue reading Time